So you want to know if a Sagittarius man is serious about you?
Well, you’re not alone. This is a guy, after all, who’s frequently commitment-phobic and hard to read.
While some men in the zodiac provide clear signals concerning how serious they feel about you, that’s not always the case with a Sagittarius man. There can be a lot of guesswork involved in a relationship with him.
Luckily, he’s a very honest guy, too. So you should be able to find out how serious he feels about you with a bit of work.
Related: 5 Clear Signs that a Sagittarius Man Likes You
How to know if a Sagittarius guy is serious about you
Let’s dive into the top tells that a Sagittarius man is deeply into you, maybe even in love.
1.) He tells you
The Sagittarius man is a direct communicator who prizes honesty and forthrightness. If he’s getting serious about you and the relationship there’s a good chance he’ll just tell you upfront.
If he tells you that he’s serious it’s likely that means it. He’s very deliberate when it comes to escalating a relationship. Discussions about being serious, taking your relationship to another level, etc are a big thing for him. And the words he chooses will be honest.
You might feel like rushing to ask him if he’s serious now because he’ll be honest, right? That’s not always the best idea – because if he’s not feeling serious yet, he might perceive your question as pressuring him towards commitment. Which is always a no-no for the Sagittarius in a relationship.
Related: 5 Essential Tips for Dating a Sagittarius Man
2.) He praises your intelligence
Sagittarian men can dish out compliments with ease. But some of his compliments mean more coming from him than they would from other guys.
Sagittarian men are all about higher knowledge and intellect. Mental ability is an incredibly important component for him in all aspects of life – especially in regards to relationships. For a Sagittarius man to be serious with a partner their mind must be quick, expansive, and able to keep up with his own mind.
So if he’s complimenting your mind, your wit, your philosophical prowess or anything else to do with your mental abilities – that’s a strong sign that he views you in high regard and is getting serious about you.
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Attract the Sagittarius Man
3.) He’s including you in his plans for the future
The Sagittarius man is always dreaming big and making grand travel plans.
Life is all about the journey for him. So if you notice that he’s starting to include you in some of his bigger dreams, you can bet he’s taking your relationship seriously.
Pay attention when he discusses his dreams of travel and adventure. Is he including you in all of these plans?
Related: 5 Surefire Ways to Make a Sagittarius Man Miss You
4.) He amps up his communication with you
Sagittarian men are independent and not heavy communicators in relationships, especially when it comes to calling and texting.
He’s typically too busy to prioritize constant communication. Plus he hates clinginess and needy behavior. This is true even when he’s been dating someone for a number of months.
So if he’s reaching out more often and wanting to check in with you, send you articles that he found, or make plans together – that’s a key sign that he’s feeling more for you and is taking the relationship seriously.
Related: How to Get a Sagittarius Man to Chase You
5.) He opens his schedule up for you
The Sagittarius man is always filling his schedule up with activities. He rarely has openings in his schedule – even for partners — much to the chagrin of those who date him.
Sure, he will invite lots of people out on his sporadic adventures. He’s a socialite at heart. But these will be activities that fit within his already-made schedule.
So if he’s clearly opening up his schedule to be more available for you – that’s a big clue that he’s starting to take your role in his life seriously.
Related: 7 Things To Know About the Sagittarius Man in Bed
If he’s not yet showing you these signals, don’t worry.
The Sagittarius man takes plenty of time developing his relationships and easing into the commitment/serious side of things.
If you want to speed up the deepening of his feelings for you then check out my course on attracting a Sagittarius man here.
Keep Reading:
- How to Build a Sagittarius Man’s Attraction through Text
- 5 Clear Signs that a Sagittarius Man is Jealous
- 5 Sagittarius Spirit Animals that Perfectly Represent the Sign
- Who is Sagittarius’s Soulmate Sign?
- Why are Sagittarius People So Attractive?
- Why are Sagittarius People So Good in Bed?
2 thoughts on “5 Ways To Know If a Sagittarius Man is Serious about You”
Just LOVED everything the way you put it. I will only wait a little because I am not sure I will see this Sagittarius man again but, as soon as I have someone stable I will buy the correct book with the ONE
Thanks, Neusa. Glad it helped. Good luck out there!