- Sign: Sagittarius
- Dates: November 23 – December 21
- Ruling planet: Jupiter
- Planetary principle: Expansion
- Element: Fire
- Mode: Mutable
- Qualities: Masculine, positive
- Read all about the Sagittarius Man here
- Learn How to Attract a Sagittarius Man here
- Sign: Scorpio
- Dates: October 23 – November 22
- Ruling planets: Mars & Pluto
- Planetary principle: Power
- Element: Water
- Mode: Fixed
- Quality: Feminine
What the Sagittarius Man Likes about Scorpio Woman
Her intelligence. Scorpio and Sagittarius are both intelligent signs. Sag likes how quick Scorpio’s mind is and how easily she understands the wide breadth of topics that he likes to discuss.
Her love of mystery. Knowledge is power to a Scorpio. And because of this, she has a compulsive need to ferret out any hidden information around her. Sag appreciates this since he is a purveyor of knowledge himself.
Her devotedness. Scorpio is fiercely protective of friends, family, and her lovers. She’s not a fair-weather friend. She will selflessly sacrifice herself for those who are important to her. She’ll be there for Sag when he’s feeling down and there to cheer him up back to his enthusiastic self.
Her trustworthiness and reliability. Sag values honesty and likes that Scorpio is consistent and reliable. She’s a fixed sign, so when she says she’s going to do something or be somewhere, she will follow through.
The focused attention that she gives him. Sagittarius feels admired under the intense Scorpio gaze. He loves being in the spotlight and feels like he’s center stage whenever she’s around. It’s not too challenging for Scorpio to stay interested in him, either, as he has so many interests that she’s intrigued by. She wants to discover all that he knows, and he is more than happy to share.
What the Sagittarius Man Dislikes about Scorpio Woman
Her secretiveness. Sagittarius is always open, friendly and direct. There’s nothing hidden or sneaky about him. What you see is what you get. It’s not the same with Scorpio, who is shamelessly secretive. She may put on an open, friendly and direct appearance like Sag, but what you see isn’t what you’re going to get, at least not the full picture. You never get the whole picture with Scorpio. Even when you’re connecting with Scorpio in a profound, deep moment, there’s always some deeper, hidden layer that you’re not going to be able to access. Sag likes that she’s mysterious, but only to a point.
Her vindictiveness. It’s all fun and games with Sagittarius. It’s fun and games with Scorpio, too – until it isn’t. If she gets offended, the games stop and things go silent. She’ll find some way to get back at the person for wronging her (it will be in a not-so-fun way, and probably overblown, or in a cold way, simply cutting them out for a while). Sagittarius sees this as petty, as he’s not a retaliatory or under-handed type.
Related: 5 Clear Signs that a Sagittarius Man Likes You
Her fixed nature and stubbornness. Scorpio is a fixed sign while Sag is mutable. Sag likes to move around and adjust to life on the fly, while Scorpio tends to stick to what’s safe and consistent. He’s adaptable, so he can work with her most of the time, but he can struggle still. They may fall into a routine that makes him feel boxed in. He might try to shake things up, but she’s cautious and slow to change, so she may resist him.
Her tendency to manipulate. Scorpio has a compulsion to control others, and she’s good at it. She works to possess and dominate her partners. It’s mostly because she fears to be vulnerable, so dictating the people around her gives her a sense of control. She does this in subtle ways, with subtle slights of hand or sexual manipulation. Sagittarius is trusting and can be gullible, so he grows frustrated with her underhanded tactics, especially when she tries to assert structure and discipline on him.
Her emotionality. Scorpio is a highly emotional water sign. Sagittarius might not realize this at first, because she hides it well. Nonetheless, Scorpio is incredibly emotional beneath the surface. Her emotionality is tumultuous and makes her subconsciously seek out crises. She may stir up drama and calamity, but she can’t help it. It’s in Scorpios nature to transform, and crisis creates grist for the mill. It’s a very specific kind of ride with Scorpio, and it’s rarely a peaceful one. Sag values peace of mind far more than her, and he can become a little bit irked by all the upheaval.
When she gets stuck in the past. Scorpio can be nostalgic and broody about the past. It’s part of her sentimental water sign nature. Sagittarius prefers to look to the future and sees the past primarily as something that holds him back. He looks forward, forsaking the past and trusting that his Jupiter given luck will bless his future with great things. Why look to the past, especially past hurts, he says, when there’s so much to look towards ahead?
What the Scorpio Woman Likes about Sagittarius Man
His playfulness. Sagittarius likes to keep things light and playful. He’s always looking to have a good time and make those around him laugh. This presents a nice change of pace for Scorpio, as she likes to have fun, but often gets stuck wallowing in her darker places. Sag’s light energy lifts her out of her suffocating depths.
That he’s adaptable. Sagittarius knows how to go with the flow. He’s chameleon-like and very flexible. He’s willing to do what it takes to make things work out. It’s another breath of fresh air for fixed Scorpio.
That he’s passionate. Sagittarius cares a lot about the world and his wide-spanning interests. He works hard so he can have fun and enjoy his freedom. He’s fiery, energetic, and has lots of spunk. She likes that he doesn’t purely seek his own betterment, but the betterment of the world.
Related: 5 Essential Tips for Dating a Sagittarius Man
His inquisitive nature. Sag and Scorp both love figuring things out. Mysteries of all kinds enthrall Scorpio, as she has a compulsive need to find what’s hidden and secret. Sagittarius seeks the truth in the highest sense of the word. He wants to understand the world and all of its grand philosophies. His accumulated knowledge intrigues her, and she seeks to extract it from him.
His wide breadth of interests. Sagittarius has many dreams, hobbies, and travel plans. The wheels of his mind are always churning. Scorpio likes this, as she needs a partner who is engrossing, has established interests and is going somewhere with them.
That he’s not easily offended. It’s hard to truly insult a Sagittarius. He’s typically the one insulting others, unintentionally, because of how blunt he is. Or he’s poking at himself with self-deprecating humor. If you criticize him or make a joke at his expense, he’ll probably just laugh. He’ll just be happy that you’re being honest, which is the way he likes it.
That he’s unlikely to deceive and hide things from her. Scorpio has trust issues and is quite suspicious. She is relieved in Sag to find a genuine and truth-loving man. He may play theatre, taking on a role here and there, as he’s quite theatrical, but it’s never done in a deceiving or insidious way. He doesn’t hide his motives and is typically upfront about anything that’s important. He may trigger her fidelity alarm, but that’s something he’s unlikely to be secretive about.
The freedom he grants her. Sag won’t try to smother Scorpio or limit her expression. This is important for Scorpio, as she’s got a lot of individuality and can’t stand being tamped down on. She is a bit contradictory in that she might try to keep a tight leash on her partner, but requires space herself. He’s plenty happy to provide her with it, though he needs plenty of leash too.
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Attract the Sagittarius Man
What the Scorpio Woman Dislikes about Sagittarius Man
His blunt words. Scorpio appreciates the occasional need for harsh speech, as she doles it out herself when necessary. But she’s rarely blunt or hurtful about it unless she’s hurt. Sagittarius, on the other hand, can be blunt to the point of cruelty at any time. He rarely intends to be hurtful, he just wants to be fun. In fact, he’s often more careless with his words when he’s in he a good mood. Eventually, some unintentionally barbed verbal arrows are likely to wound the vulnerable Scorpio heart deeply. Scorpio won’t broadcast this, but she’s extra-sensitive inside. She’ll likely suffer in silence, as she tends to keep her deepest hurts inside. Her hurt will remain inside until she deems it appropriate to retaliate, or leave.
That she can see right through him. Sagittarius has a transparent personality, and he wears his heart on his sleeve. Even if he’s a deeper Sag and hides some of his depth beneath his vivid, bright smile, it’s still perfectly visible to the sharply perceptive Scorpio. This is a blessing and a curse for Scorpio. First, the good, she knows what she’s getting herself into. She can see any potential red flags written on him from a mile away. She also knows she can trust him because she sees to his core. He’s not much of a liar, and if he does try to lie, he’s pretty bad at it. So that’s a plus for her. But on the negative side, there’s very little mystery with him, and mystery is a huge romantic draw for her. She’s a woman of tremendous depth, and she loves protracted periods of digging out hidden nuggets of insight from her partner. Sag is a fun, happy-go-lucky companion, but can he satisfy her longing for a deep, mystical union?
His flirtatiousness. Sagittarius is highly gregarious with women. He plays sports with them, debates with them, philosophizes with them and just all around fraternizes with them. He’s not selective though, he gives the same treatment to men, too. He just enjoys people in general. The Scorpio woman can appreciate this, but she’s also prone to being a jealous and possessive lover. And his comfy and convivial relationships with the women around him might set off alarm bells in her. He is honest though, and she can trust that if he does decide to become unfaithful, he will be upfront about it.
Related: 5 Ways to Know if a Sagittarius Man is Serious About You
When he’s unreliable. As a mutable sign, Sag is highly adaptable, yet he can also be wavering and inconsistent. Scorpio is consistent and dependable herself and gets irked by flightiness and irresponsibility in others. Sag’s inconsistent nature is showcased by his ease in giving up on projects. He often gets bored with a project when it’s not working out as planned. He’s quick to drop it, find something new and move on, rather than slog through the difficult parts. Scorpio will chastise him for this, as she hates loose ends and prizes seeing things through to completion.
That she can’t possess him. Scorpio is a possessive lover. She is so deep and sensitive, that when she gives herself to someone, she feels her vulnerability, and so she tries to control it through possessing her partner completely. Sagittarius is not one to be possessed by a partner. In fact, he hates it. He values freedom far too highly and will adamantly resist any attempts at possession by his Scorpio lover.
That he lacks emotional intensity. Sagittarius men are open and expressive, but not highly emotional. Sure, he might express bright emotions for the world to see. But when the sun sets and night falls, he’s unlikely to match Scorpio’s deep emotional realm. He can be indifferent to her emotions, even preferring to steer clear of her intensity entirely. This frustrates her, as she craves a partner who can dive into her underworld with her.
When he’s aloof with her. Scorpio is intense and gives those important to her lots of focused attention. The same can’t always be said with Sag’s attention to her. He tends to live up in the clouds much of the time, his attention being a bit ADD. He gets distracted by flittering, pretty things in his peripheral. And that’s just when he’s around. Much of the time he’s off galavanting. This is tough for Scorpio, and she may grow resentful of his distance.
Sagittarius Man & Scorpio Woman: Sexual Chemistry
Scorpio and Sagittarius have different sexual styles that take work to blend successfully together.
Initially, their lovemaking starts off strong and is full of passion. They’re both physical and have highly sexed natures. Both are uninhibited in the bedroom and will explore anything. And they both have high sexual appetites. Together they can have fun, be free and enjoy sex in many locations.
But over time, differences emerge between them. To feel fulfilled in a serious relationship, Scorpio woman needs sex to feel deeply intimate. Sag man can have a hard time providing this for her. He mostly sees sex as a fun, playful adventure, and not much more. Sex is more athletic and passionate than spiritual for him.
Related: 7 Things To Know About the Sagittarius Man in Bed
This causes her to grow frustrated, and him to grow confused. From his perspective, their sex might be great (and it probably is), but she has deep, emotional needs that are a challenge for any lover to fulfill.
He’ll grow frustrated that sex can’t just be sex. Like most things in life, he wants it simple, indulgent, and fun. And Scorpio’s concentrated, all-consuming sexual nature makes his eyes roll after a while. Yes, he gets that she likes sacred and silent, deep-merging, and all that. But still, he has a hard time tuning into her deep sexual modes.
So after a while, he gives up a bit. He makes jokes, or randomly chimes in with something on his mind. This rattles Scorpio, as she interprets this as evidence for his need for surface behavior, and an expression of his inability to be a focused and deep lover. The more he does this the more unreliable he seems to her, which frustrates her to no end.
When she grows upset, she dampens his fire in retaliation. She may weaponize her watery nature, freezing up, becoming unresponsive, and showing nothing but a chilly demeanor.
To make things work she needs to learn to open up more and resist being so intense all the time, and he needs to focus a bit more intently and learn to go deeper into shared emotional realms.
Related: 5 Obvious Signs that a Sagittarius Man is Jealous
Sagittarius Man & Scorpio Woman: Relationship Score
Score: 5/10
Fixed vs. Mutable. Scorpio is Fixed, Sagittarius is Mutable. These are different energies that can be polarizing.
Water vs. Fire. Scorpio is a Water Sign, Sag is a Fire Sign. Water and fire are elementally square and don’t mix easily. The results can be explosive. Think of lava from an erupting volcano pouring into the ocean, creating explosions and steam. This relationship isn’t always explosive, but there’s always the potential for it to be lurking underneath the surface.
Pluto/Mars vs. Jupiter. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto & Mars, while Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mars is the ruler of aggression, sex, and our warlike passion to get what we want. Pluto rules transformation, the underworld, and the occult. Mars & Pluto give Scorpio a forceful energy that makes her want to control the world around her. Jupiter rules optimism, luck and philosophy. Jupiter gives Sagittarius an open, curious and expansive energy.
Semi-square. Scorp and Sag are neighboring signs on the zodiac wheel. This 45-degree angle makes them a Semi-Square partnership. While the Square relationship denotes full on irritation, a semi-square is more of a slight agitator.
Related: 5 Surefire Ways to Make a Sagittarius Man Miss You
- They have a strong mental synergy and their communication and intellects harmonize well.
- They’re both growth oriented. Sag inspires fixed Scorpio to make needed changes. Scorpio helps him transform his thoughts and dreams into actionable plans.
- They travel and explore well together.
- Scorpio can learn a lot from Sag, who proceeds her on the zodiac wheel. He has a recent karmic past of Scorpio energy with much to teach her.
- They’re both competitive and like to engage in sports together.
- They both like the finer things in life and know how to acquire them.
- His openness can coax her out of her cautious shell.
- They both have grit and like a good challenge. They can achieve a lot together.
- Warm Sag melts Scorpio’s sometimes frigid and icy demeanor, allowing her to open up and be more playful. He also teaches her lessons in freedom, optimism, and trust.
Related: What To Do When a Sagittarius Man Stops Texting Back
- Her suspicious and cautious nature will clash with his sunny, optimistic (and sometimes blind) trust in the world. She sees his trust as naïveté, but it’s a skill that she would benefit from cultivating.
- Fixed Scorpio may fall into routines that make spontaneous Sagittarius feel boxed in.
- Mutable vs. fixed. Sag is likely the one who will have to adapt. If they butt heads, both can become immovable objects and things will sour quickly.
- Scorpio can grow frustrated with Sagittarius’s lack of practical economy. He loves extravagant spending and often spends his money as quickly as he makes it.
- Conflicts can crop up around who’s dominant in the relationship. Sag is dominant and likes to lead, but it’s typically the more cunning and calculated Scorpio who controls more.
- They can lack common ground and interests, leading to diminished passion together.
- Scorpio may want commitment if there’s a serious love interest, and Sagittarius might prefer to keep things ambiguous too long for her taste.
- Scorpio may try to control Sag and limit his freedom. This doesn’t work for Sag, as he sees it as trying to dampen his spirit. He needs to be able to roam freely and often to be happy in the relationship.
- Sag may not take the relationship seriously enough for Scorp. She can put up with a lot, but he might push his luck too far. He doesn’t like to tiptoe around feelings and can be careless with her sensitive emotions.
- Sagittarius is mutable and can grow tired of partners. He loves Scorp at first, and all the intensity she brings, but that same intensity can make him want to push away later.
Related: How To Get a Sagittarius Man to Chase You Again
What do you think about the Scorpio & Sagittarius relationship? Let us know in the comment section below.
10 thoughts on “Sagittarius Man & Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility – Can it Work?”
I’m considering breaking up with my Sag man. Being a Scorpio, I need a more intense relationship. Although we only see each other on weekends, as I am helping him remodel his home up north, we are free during the week, we text/call each other frequently during the week.
Lately, he has attacked me with harsh words about my not clearly understanding him. This totally frustrates me, as I prefer to be tempered. Feeling taken for granted is how I see his feelings towards me. From the beginning, I knew he wanted a “friendship,” which I have openly given him. We go to a nudist resort, and I trust his loyalty. Heck, this past weekend, I went to a horse ranch to shovel manure with him. How many woman would do that just out of friendship?
I am not the typical jealous Scorpio. He has a few female friends that don’t threaten me. One in particular is like a daughter to him who wants to join us at the club. He confides in her, and she has snapped him out of his doubts about us in the past. Unbeknownst to him, I’m ready to go. I cannot live on sex alone. He wants a friend to have fun with and do projects with. I will leave without letting him know I’m in love with him. He wouldn’t like hearing those words.
We didn’t do our usual morning hello texts today. I did, however send him a copy of this article, which I found very beneficial. Thank you. This weekend I will go up to his place as usual. After all, it has become routine. I have a busy work week and will distance my texts to him. I feel he is doing the same with me. We tend to have a strong psychic bond and finish each other’s sentences. His way of keeping distance from his true feelings towards me, is to create chaos between us because he has fallen for me. I truly sense this. It’s my true psychic Scorpio ability. I’m the first black woman he has had a year-long relationship with, and he refers to his friends as “our house!” I give him his well-needed space, and I know he finds me alluring.
I need a pure, unadulterated, undiluted relationship and am finding all this mundane and boring. He may never hear the words “I love you” come out of my mouth, and it will be too late to realize that I’ve left him…slowly. I will remove articles from his home as he has noticed some toiletry additions.
I do, however, plan on completing our projects on the (our) house. We may still have explosive sex…should I continue to make myself so available? He had a motorcycle accident a few years ago, and I am participating as his right hand. I can put love out of my mind as he can turn off a faucet. Should I see this project through, love him, or leave it alone?
Crystal Deane
Thank you for sharing so eloquently your story. I’m sorry for his lack of committed emotional availability, I understand, as a fellow Scorpio! To your question, I would only make yourself available if you feel that what you are getting out of the dynamic is worth it to you. Clearly, it is unlikely that you will get all that you want from him. But what you do get, is it worth it for you to show up for and receive while actively holding back your desire for more?
Hi I am from Pakistan, I am a male Sagittarius 06 Dec, want to know which lady is better for my star and also want to know about Scorpio and cancer woman relationships, thanks.
I am a scorpio woman seeing a sagittarius man reading this article has given me insight on our relationship. I shared with him that I am pretty good at reading people but for some reason I just can’t read him. The only time I feel connected with him is in the bedroom outside of the bedroom we talk like really good friends. I’ve never had to ask a man how they feel about me but I had to ask him. I know he cares about me but is he purposely making himself emotionally unavailable. I enjoy being around him and feel like I can truly be myself without being judged.
Hey, Scorpio Gal. It’s possible that, outside of the bedroom, your Sag is feeling connected but is just not as intense as you are. His connection/love style might simply feel like being really good friends. It’s also certainly possible that he’s holding back from you and not being as connected as he could be. Perhaps he’s very slow to open up. At any rate, I would be patient with him, and if over time you’re still frustrated by his lack of intense emotional connection, consider looking for a person with more emotional/connective depth to give.
Im a Scorpio Woman and have been dating a sag man for over 6 months now. we are going strong and we love each other very deeply. We are both open with each other and promise to be honest with each other. sometimes when im upset or angry, i can go quiet and distant which worries him to no end. He follows me around when he feels i need him with me and i personally love that he gets worried about me. i have trust issues from past relationships. but i trust him alot. more then alot. hes proven to me so many times that he loves and adores me. hes funny, charming and gentle and i adore that in him. sometimes i worry that im too serious for him and have found myself asking why he loves me over the other girls or boys that are more playful and energetic. though he says he loves me for me and loves that i support him in whatever he does. im loyal to him. Our sex life is currently non existant but hes also very shy and private about himself and anything sexual. infact hes not really that interested in sexual things at all but i have explained that one day i do what to take that dive with him and he on the other hand has promised that one day we will. just not yet. i trust him and i respect his privacy. i refuse to push him into things he doesnt feel comfortable doing just yet. We are a long distance, 6 year age gap relationship and personally i think we thrive together. ive told him that and i tell him how much i love and appreciate him everyday. i admire him like no other and i truely want to live my life out with him one day. i also have promised ill try to let him know when something is wrong. hes never blunt to me. sometimes he can say the wrong things and it upsets me. but my coldness only lasts so long since he normally successfully convinces me to tell him whats wrong. we apologize to each other and then are lovey again to each other after only a few minutes. he refuses to have dominance over me and has never disrespected me ever. im much more dominant in the sexual sides of things while he is dominant in the social sides of things. i admit i am very obsessive and possessive and i try hard to let him have his own time when he goes to his dads every other weekend. which then he tells me he looks forward to seeing me again and my leaving him alone for the weekend normally awards me with his affection when he returns. as much as him telling me he needs time alone, can upset me (because i adore being around him constantly) i trust him and try my best to hold my breath and leave him be. personally while i think this article is partially true. i think me and my man are exceptions and i have no doubt we’ll have a happy life together once we meet up. i love him and he loves me. i will always trust in that.
Hi, Amber. Thanks for sharing your story.
I am a Scorpio women who has do te last 6 years off an on been living with my Sagittarius man an I really hope that your sag man stays the way you just describe him my Sagittarius man was exactly the same way everything you said describes my man perfect in the beginning it only lasted about 1 year an half before he started doing exactly everything in this article except he wasn’t so faithful an honest about it an still today we are together but his cruel words got so bad on some ways he was acting towards me I truly felt that he hated me it hurt so bad to the point I was thinking about suicide but I managed to pull through it an for past 2 years I moved out got my own house but stay with him most of the time but I have a place to go recover from a insane agreements DON’T GET ME WRONG HE IS GOOD GUY WHEN IT IS GOOD WITH US IT IS EXTREMELY GOOD AN I TAKE BLAME FOR MY PART IN BEING TO INTENSE FOR HIM WHICH CAUSE WAY TO MUCH PRESSURE ON HIM BUT THERE HAS BEEN MORE OF THE BAD THAN THE GOOD THE LAST 3 AN HALF YEARS I LOVE HIM AN I TRULY FEEL LIKE HE STILL TODAY HATES ME BUT STICKS WITH ME ONLY CAUSE THERE ISN’T ANY THING BETTER OR AVAILABLE I AM TO PASS TIME OFF I FEEL LOTS OF TIME WITH HIM MOST TIME HE SEWMS TO ME TO BE UNGRATEFUL INCONSIDERATE BUT HERE IS THE GOOD THAT KEEPS ME WITH ME
I want to you to know that your ex sag. man is probably REGRETTING about the fact that he wasn’t just dumb enough to let you , he was selfish enough to neglect your love and effort’s especially his part of the deal. That’s what I felt I deserved and I’ve paid my dues. I bet you
That man still loves you even after everything. He would give up on himself first before he’d give up on the idea of “us” to be non-existent.. sorry for the hurt feelings along the way and the moment he departed away from you was the day he understood what true love meant. Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep his promises every time he’d make them. I am a Sagittarius man born Dec. 2nd. I mean, due to lack of support and love in the household I grew up from and having to come from a different country & the lifestyle/ background and the different cultures that I had to be adept and be accustomed to wasn’t an easy thing to attain. Nevertheless, I simply mentioned that about me because the stereotype about our traits aren’t exactly true, many traits that a Sagittarius man can be transformed into a new epiphanic experience and for that he can become whole again; & come to terms with ego-death and whatnot. If I had the courage to say how sorry I truly am and if there is anything I could do to turn back time and stop EVERY hurtful, abusive, cruel, and prevent us from dangerously falling in love ending with the both of us scarred from it… I would do it in a blink of an eye with no hesitation. It has been 4 years and 3 months since the last time I saw her, I wish I could tell her how beautiful she looks still in my heart always and forever. Bubs, wherever you may be, I want to be the one to take full responsibility for the damage that I’ve caused you. I wish that one day you find a way even just a little space for me to be forgiven. Because I AM VERY SORRY . You did not deserve any of that and I’m so so sorry—
“if it’s meant to be; then we’ll cross paths again if we truly are for each other.”
I , now, understand that love is all about choice; not about force!
Thank you for showing me that love overall is worth fighting for and to be loved by someone like you was the best thing that any man could have dreamed of, you are an amazing person let alone a sexy and gorgeous and amazing and loving and perfect and amazing I put that on spicy !!
I almost forgot . . . .
there is something that ,
I had to mention;
loving you was hard but ain’t no other love felt as amazing 🥲 TBH, it’s something I’ve been fiening (fuck these drugs fuck me up I cant get rid of these feelings) I heard you are going for a brighter future and I’m glad to see you helping your mom dad and brother.
Congrats on your success with Paris Ba***** I heard yous the boss lady now okurrrr!! 😍😍😅🥹
everything is going smooth on the flip side for me as well.
Just in case you’re wondering.. sometimes I feel as if you are, because I can still feel your energy from 2 planets away. Usher told us before but we ain’t listen now look at us “U got it bad” and “so did I” REMIX 😂😂🤦🏻
I hope this message find you for you are the only woman I am still seeking for, to console another soul I cannot do always and forever !!! Shall we cross paths again someday guess we’ll never know. One thing I have learned from this experience was that self love can only be shared for so long eventually the other person will have to adapt rather than not facing their greatest fear— and that is the fear of losing the connection between TO LOVE; and TO BE LOVED; learn to live in the moment rather than living ya lives to the fullest ☝🏼🫵🏼🫦
I am a Scorpio woman married 14 years to a firey, sexy Sagitarius man. Anything worth having is good work done well! I honestly do not know what life would look like without my Sagitarious mate. We have differences, and despite this we are deeply compatible.