7 Potent Ways to Make a Virgo Man Deeply Obsessed With You

Picture of Loren Elara

Loren Elara

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You’re about to learn some of the best ways to grip a Virgo man’s attention and make him obsess over you.

The methods in this article are important if you want to attract him into a relationship. Fail to do them well – and not only will he not be obsessed with you – but you could easily lose his attention, too.

If you’ve got a new Virgo man in your life, or you’re working to build a relationship with the one you’re already close with, read on. By the end of the article, you’ll know the tools you’ll need to get him gushing over you.

Related: 5 Virgo Spirit Animals that Perfectly Represent the Sign

1. Be clean, tidy & organized

Ample cleanliness is a necessary prerequisite if you want to get a Virgo guy obsessed with you.

Virgo guys are the neat freaks of the zodiac. He literally can’t relax if anything (or anyone) around him isn’t immaculately clean and put together.

If you’re used to letting the dishes sit for a day or two, or neglecting to vacuum on the regular, he won’t be so keen on you. And certainly won’t become obsessed with you.

So when you have him over, make sure your home is organized and spotless. No piled-up laundry or un-dusted surfaces. I recommend utilizing the Kon Marie Method!

When you meet up with him, be sure that your clothes and personal hygiene are top-notch. No stains, no wrinkles, no bad smells.

Very few people are clean freaks like Virgo, much to his dismay. You can stand out in the best way by matching his neat and orderly ways.

Related: 12 Clear Signs That a Virgo Man Likes You

2. Display a vicarious personality that helps him get out of his shell

Virgo guys are introverts and can be a bit shy in romance. He prefers a cautious approach in love. He isn’t a huge go-getter and rarely makes a big first move.

To really get him obsessing over you, you should contrast his subdued, cautious manner by having a lively, flirtatious vibe that invites him to engage with you.

By being confident and opening up to him, you’ll bypass his initial indifferent reaction. The unexpected attention will spark his own flirtatious, humorous side and he’ll find himself thinking about you a lot.

An important caveat: avoid taking this too far and being over-the-top. He likes his partner to be well-mannered and reserved, to a point. So you don’t want to come off as garish or belligerent. Don’t try to flirt super heavy, as he’s not a huge flirt by nature. Just be kind, funny, and show that you like his style.

Related: How to Get a Virgo Man to Chase You Endlessly

3. Be practical and analytical while showcasing your intelligence

Virgo men are heady and smart with highly developed, logical minds. They’re keen observers of people and the world around them.

You can impress him by engaging his mind in certain ways.

  • Show him that you have good problem-solving abilities. He’s always working on projects and wants a partner who can help him with practical solutions in the face of challenges. Show your ingenuity in conversation and display that you’re able to make the best of what’s in front of you.
  • Focus on communicating in a highly coherent way. He likes to communicate in precise ways and hates talking to people who meander around their point or go on tangents in conversation. Be able to get your point across in a clear-cut and precise way.
  • Be knowledgeable and teachable. Virgo likes smart people. Show him that you’re a sharp thinker and are well-read. Show your ability to learn on the spot. You’ll want to be very focused while in conversation with him, just like he is with you.

Related: 7 Simple Ways to Make a Virgo Man Miss You Like Crazy

4. Have a dignified social presence

The Virgo man is generally well-mannered and unassuming. He typically doesn’t like to draw a ton of attention to himself. And though likes a confident, outgoing partner, he still prefers that they have an air of dignity about them.

Be gracious in social settings and when you are together. Use good manners and display a confident humbleness. Be at times self-effacing rather than self-aggrandizing. Don’t offend his sense of propriety or dignity. Never make him the punch line of your joke or disrespect him.

He likes to be around people who are achievers in the social arena. He can be a name-dropper and would love to have a partner by his side who he can (humbly) flaunt.

If you can pull off a tasteful, calm, and classy vibe he will absolutely take note and will really start to think about you a lot.

Related: 7 Key Things to Know About Virgo Men in Bed

5. Be health-conscious and practice good self-care.

I already touched on this a bit in section #1, but I want to expand beyond just personal hygiene.

Virgo always has precise ideas about health and wellness. In fact, these guys are typically hypochondriacs.

A good way to woo him is to show him that you have an interest in nutrition, including supplements, dietary theories, and related practices. A well-stocked medicine/supplement cabinet can wildly impress this man.

Be sure to show him that you take care of your body. Even though he prizes health and fitness, it’s fine if you have some sort of physical issue. He doesn’t need you to be perfect to obsess over you. He just needs to see that you’re someone who cares about how they take care of themselves.

Related: How to Text a Virgo Man Like an Expert & Keep Him Interested

6. Help him loosen up and get out of his shell

Virgos tend to worry like crazy and they can be majorly high-strung. In some ways, this man thrives off his busy energy, but it also whittles away at his health and well-being over time.

If you can help him chill out and relax some of his usual tension he will definitely not take you for granted. He will obsess over you and will want to keep you to be around a lot.

First, give him recognition for all the hard work he does. Acknowledge how capable he is.

Then, listen attentively to his worries, and reassure his active imagination that many of those hundreds of bad outcomes he’s predicting from every situation likely are overkill. Help him see the bigger picture.

With gentle, steady affirmation and appreciation, he’ll relax and open up around you. From there, your relationship can flourish.

I have more valuable advice on building attraction by helping him relax in my course on attracting the Virgo man.

Related: 7 Essential Things to Know About Dating a Virgo Man

7. Have a saintly, mysterious aura

Being mysterious magnetizes all guys and fuels their desire to chase and figure you out. Add in some ethereal, maternal femininity, and you’ll have your Virgo guy obsessing over how to capture your heart.

Be a little aloof around him, yet also caring and motherly – Virgo is attracted to spiritual, emotional, earthy partners. He really likes the nurturing side of a woman, so show him totally unconditional care and attention. Never belittle him (he’s hard enough on himself).

Dress earthy and conservatively. Avoid seeming phased by his or others’ moods. Try your best to be gentle and easy to be around. Focus on clean, pure, and enveloping sensuality. He’ll go crazy for you.

There you have it, some key ways to get a Virgo man obsessed with you. Good luck!

Loren Elara

Hi, I’m Loren. Welcome to Popular Astrology. You can learn more about me and this website here.

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